Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A cable car crashed in Italy. It was going from the town of Stresa. It went up a mountain that was 1,400 meters high. In May 2021, 14 people died in a cable car accident. The cable car fell down 20 meters. It rolled down the hill and broke.
crash (墜落する), Stresa (ストレーザ, モッタローネ山のふもとの町), died (die死ぬ, 過去形), accident (事故), fell (fall落ちる, 過去形), roll down (転がる), hill (丘), broke (break壊れる, 過去形)
- What crashed in Italy?
(何がイタリアで墜落しましたか?) - Where was the cable car going from?
(ケーブルカーはどこから出発しましたか?) - How many meters high did cable car go up?
(ケーブルカーは何メートル登りましたか?) - How many people died in the accident?
(その事故で何人が亡くなりましたか?) - What is your opinion?