Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
People in Morocco pick the Argan seed from the tree and make Argan oil. The oil is popular in the world now. People get money and become richer. They started a free kindergarten. They also started free reading and writing courses for the people.
Morocco (北アフリカの国), Argan seed (アルガンの種子), kindergarten (幼稚園), reading and writing course (読み書き教室)
- Who make Argan oil?
(誰がアルガンオイルを作っていますか?) - Is Argan oil popular in the world?
(アルガンオイルは世界中で人気がありますか?) - What did they start?
(彼らは何を始めましたか?) - What is your opinion?