Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Cyclone Tauktae caused a severe storm and hit the coasts of the western Indian states of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra in May 2021. It brought heavy rains and wind speeds of almost 160 km per hour. The cyclone destroyed buildings, and thousands of people had to leave their homes. These people stayed in shelters. A second wave of COVID-19 hit India at the same time, and people were worried that the virus would spread as many stayed in the same shelters. Scientists predicted that the storm would bring heavy winds and landfalls. People were terrified of a really strong cyclone after decades.
cyclone (暴風), Cyclone Tauktae (サイクロン・タウテ, 2021年5月に発生した大暴風), landfall (土砂崩れ), be terrified of (を恐れる)
- When did Cyclone Tauktae hit India?
- What is a cyclone?
- How fast was the cyclone?
- How many people had to leave homes?
- Why were the people worried?
- Does Cyclone sometimes hit Japan?
- What will you do if a big cyclone comes?
- What is your opinion?