Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Capri is a beautiful Italian island that many tourists visit. Divers catch mussels there. This has become a big problem. Mussels live on coral reefs ,so divers break the coral reefs to catch the mussels. Coral reefs grow slowly and need a long time to recover.
Capri (カプリ, イタリアの観光地), tourist (観光者), mussel (むらさき貝), coral reef (サンゴ礁), recover (復活する)
- What is Capri like?
(カプリはどんなところですか?) - What do the divers catch?
(ダイバーは何を獲っていますか?) - What kind of problem is there in Capri?
(カプリにはどの様な問題がありますか?) - What is your opinion?