Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Capri is a southern Italian island and a beautiful tourist destination. Divers catch mussels in the sea near the island. The divers sell the mussels to local restaurants. The price of 1kg is around 240 dollars. Mussels live on coral reefs and rocks. So, divers use hammers and some explosives. This damages the reefs badly. This is illegal. Coral reefs grow slowly and need many years to return to their original size. Local politicians in Capri are asking the government to protect its marine ecosystem threatened by illegal fishing.
Capri (カプリ, イタリアの観光地), destination (目的地), mussel (むらさき貝), coral reef (サンゴ礁), explosive (爆発物)
- What is Capri like?
- What do the divers catch?
- What kind of problem is there in Capri?
- How much is the price of one kg of mussels?
- To whom were the mussels sold?
- What are the local politicians doing?
- What is your opinion?