Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Many users in India are using WhatsApp, chat-communication platform. A new law was made by the Indian government. By the new law, government can get the user’s information from WhatsApp company. WhatsApp company says that the new law is very bad because user’s privacy cannot be protected.
WhatsApp (ワッツアップ, 世界中で最も利用されているチャットアプリ), chat-communication platform (チャットコミュニケーション用のアプリ), privacy (プライバシー)
- Do many Indian people use WhatsApp?
(インドの多くの人々はWhatsAppを使っていますか?) - What kind of the law did Indian government make?
(どの様な法律をインド政府は作りましたか) - What does the company say about the new law?
(新しい法律について会社は何と言ってますか?) - What is your opinion?