Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The WhatsApp, chat-communication platform, has nearly 400 million users in India. A new law released in 2021 for social media says that messaging app like WhatsApp must trace the origin of a message and identify people who send messages. People do not like the idea their identity is revealed. WhatsApp says that it cannot identify the person sending messages. WhatsApp has sued the government because the new rules violated the right to privacy of Indian users.
WhatsApp (ワッツアップ, 世界中で最も利用されているチャットアプリ), trace (追跡する), origin (発信者), identify (特定する), identity (個人情報), reveal (明らかにする), sue (訴訟する), violate (違反する)
- How many users of WhatsApp are there in the country?
- What kind of the law did Indian government make?
- Do the Indian people like the new law?
- What did WhatsApp company do against the government?
- Do you think the government is right? Why?
- What is your opinion?