

The Projection of a Face (顔への映像投影)– Level 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 A Japanese artist shows films on the faces of people. ...

The Projection of a Face (顔への映像投影)– Level 2

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 Film is projected on people's faces. This was started ...

The Projection of a Face (顔への映像投影)– Level 1

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 A Japanese artist, Nobumichi Asai, shows films on the ...

The Grumpy Cat (ふきげんな猫)- Level 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 The grumpy cat sitting in a book shop in New York was ...

The Grumpy Cat (ふきげんな猫)- Level 2

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 There was an internet sensation on a grumpy cat in New...

The Grumpy Cat (ふきげんな猫)- Level 1

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 A grumpy cat in New York is famous because she has aro...

Cake thrown at Mona Lisa (モナリザに投げられたケーキ)- Level 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 A man disguised as an old lady was seen on a wheelchai...

Cake thrown at Mona Lisa (モナリザに投げられたケーキ)- Level 2

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 A man dressed as an old lady was seen on a wheelchair ...

Cake thrown at Mona Lisa (モナリザに投げられたケーキ)- Level 1

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 Mona Lisa is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. A...

Walking through the city (町を歩く)- Level 3

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Let's read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。 The city of Pontevedra in the north-western of Spain h...