Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Only men can do sports in Afghanistan. New Taliban government was only consisting of men. The Afghanistan’s men’s cricket team could go to Australia for a man but the women’s team was banned. Taliban bans women from working outside their home, ban girls’ education after year six, denies women their right to political participation as well as their social, economic and cultural rights. Suddenly after Taliban returned to rule the country, all women’s dreams, rights and freedoms have been taken away from Taliban.
Taliban (タリバン, アフガニスタンを実効支配するイスラム教スンナ派), consist of (から構成される), cricket (クリケット, 英国の国技といわれるスポーツ), ban (禁止する), year six (6学年目), take away (奪う)
- Where women cannot do sports?
- What is Taliban?
- What does Taliban ban women other than sports?
- Is equal opportunity given in Japan to both men and women?
- What is your opinion?