Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
New Zealand’s government made tobacco illegal for young people so that they do not smoke at all. This law was strong and all supermarkets stopped selling tobaccos. Children under 14 years were not able to buy tobaccos in their life time.
government (政府), make tobacco illegal (タバコを禁止にする), so that (よって), smoke (喫煙する), law (法律), strong (厳しい), in the life time (一生にわたって)
- Who banned smoking tobacco for young people?
(誰が若者の喫煙を禁止しましたか?) - Why was tobacco banned? Think and explain.
(なぜ喫煙が禁止されましたか? 考えて説明しなさい) - Who could not buy tobaccos in their life time?
(誰が一生にわたって煙草を購入できなくなりましたか?) - What is your opinion?