The Big Sandwich (大きなサンドウィッチ)- Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

In Chernobyl, Ukraine, people see a fox. They give it bread and meat. The food is stacked by the fox and makes a huge sandwich. There was a time when no one lived near Chernobyl due to a disaster except bears, wolves and foxes.

Chernobyl (チェルノブイリ, 旧ソ連時代の1986年、原子力発電所事故が起きた場所), Ukraine(ウクライナ), fox (狐), stack (積み上げる), huge (大きい), there was a time when ~ (ひところ~の時期があった), due to ~ (~の理由で), disaster (災害), wolves (wolfおおかみの複数形)


  1. Where did the people see the fox?
  2. Why didn’t the people live near Chernobyl anymore?
  3. What did the people give the fox?
  4. What is your opinion?