Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Breakdancing is a form of street dance and it comes from the US. The African American community created this in New York in the early 1970s. This dance became popular during the 1980s and everyone loved it all around the world. It will become an Olympic sport from 2024.
breakdance (ブレークダンス), form (形式), African American community (アフリカ系アメリカ人の人々), early (初頭), 1970s (1970年代), around the world (世界中で)
- What was created in 1970s?
(1970年代に生み出されたものは何ですか?) - Who created breakdancing?
(誰がブレークダンスを最初に生み出しましたか?) - When will breakdance become an Olympic sport from?
(いつからブレークダンスがオリンピックのスポーツ科目となりますか?) - What is your opinion?