Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Mona Lisa is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. A lady sitting on a wheelchair had visited the painting displayed in Louvre Museum, Paris. People were shocked to see the covered glass of the painting because the lady threw the cake on it. Later the people realized that the lady was not an old woman but a man.
Mona Lisa (モナリザ), famous (有名な), painting (絵画), Leonardo da Vinci (レオナルド・ダ・ビンチ), wheelchair (車いす), display (展示する), Louvre Museum (ルーブル美術館), covered glass(カバーしているガラス), threw (throw投げる の過去形), realize (確認する)
- What did the person throw at the painting?
(婦人は何を絵画に向けて投げつけましたか?) - Who painted the Mona Lisa?
(誰がモナリザを描きましたか?) - What was the person sitting on?
(その人が座っていたものは何ですか?) - Where is Mona Lisa displayed?
(モナリザはどこに展示されていますか?) - What is your opinion?