Cake thrown at Mona Lisa (モナリザに投げられたケーキ)- Level 3

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A man disguised as an old lady was seen on a wheelchair in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. He threw a cake on a painting and hit the glass covering the painting. The painting was none other than Mona Lisa which was painted by the Leonardo da Vinci. This behavior was a jaw-dropping one. Everyone crowded and panicked at the incident. The man was caught by the police. He was taken to a psychiatric unit due to his behavior. The police did an investigation on the cultural artifact but luckily a special glass protected the painting. Before, in the 1950’s, the painting was damaged by a person because acid was thrown to the painting.

disguise (変装する), Louvre Museum (ルーブル美術館), jaw-dropping (びっくりすること), artifact (芸術品)


  1. Who disguised as the old lady?
  2. What did the person throw at the painting?
  3. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
  4. What was the person sitting on?
  5. Where is Mona Lisa displayed?
  6. Who caught the man and took him away?
  7. In the 1950’s, which accident was happened on Mana Lisa?
  8. Where was the person taken to?
  9. What did the police do an investigation on?
  10. What is your opinion?