Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The rainbow flag is the symbol of LGBTQ people. They are people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer. Gilbert Baker was an American artist. He was also gay and died in 2017. He made the first rainbow flag in 1978.
rainbow (虹), flag (旗), symbol (シンボル), LGBTQ (レズビアン, ゲイ, バイセクシャル, トランスジェンダー, クィア), queer (クィア, LGBTのどれにもにあてはまらない性的なアウトサイダー全体をも包括する用語)
- What is the color of the flag?
(旗の色は何色ですか?) - Whose symbol is the flag?
(その旗は誰のシンボルですか?) - What does LGBTQ mean?
(LGBTQは何の意味ですか?) - Who made this flag and when?
(この旗は誰がいつ作りましたか?) - What is your opinion?