Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Gilbert Baker was an artist and he was also gay. He loved flags and therefore he made a colorful flag in 1978. The rainbow flag he created became the symbol of LGBTQ people. The flag became popular. He assigned symbolic meaning to each of the flag’s eight colored stripes. New flags were made after Baker’s death in 2017. Some flags have black and brown color on them. It is because people of many colors are part of this LGBTQ community. This community includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer.
LGBTQ (レズビアン, ゲイ, バイセクシャル, トランスジェンダー, クィア), assign (割り振る), symbolic (象徴的な), queer (クィア, LGBTのどれにもにあてはまらない性的なアウトサイダー全体をも包括する用語)
- What is the color of the flag?
- Whose symbol is the flag?
- What does LGBTQ mean?
- Who made this flag and when?
- When did Baker die?
- What color did the new flags include?
- What is your opinion?