Underground cooked meat (地面の下で料理される肉)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A lot of people come to visit a restaurant owned by Amer Halimi in Algeria. He cooks meat with heated stones for 13 to 14 hours by making a hole in the ground in his restaurant. All the people who visit his restaurant, loved the meat. The meat is served with a sauce which makes the meat crunchy and juicy.

heated stones (熱した石), serve (提供される), crunchy (さくさくとした歯触りの), juicy (ジューシーな)


  1. Where is the restaurant?
  2. Who owns the famous restaurant?
  3. How does he cook his meat?
  4. What does he use to make the meat crunchy and juicy?
  5. What is your opinion?