Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A group of 100 women harvest argan oil from the mountains of southern Morocco. Women started this business to get money. These women helped the other women in their community. They started a free kindergarten for their children. They also started free reading, writing courses and health insurance. Price of one litter of argan oil is 250 dollars. Cosmetic companies use this oil in their products. Argan oil is also used as anti-aging skin treatment and haircare product.
harvest (収穫する), argan oil (アルガンオイル: アルガンの木の種子から採取), kindergarten (幼稚園)
- Who harvest argan oil?
- From where did they harvest the oil?
- What did they start?
- What do the cosmetic companies produce from the oil?
- How much is the price of one litter of argan oil?
- What is your opinion?