Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhanney are Hollywood actors. They wanted to buy a sports club business. They invested their money in a football club. This club started in 1864. They used SNS for promotion like Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. The number of followers became bigger and bigger.
Hollywood (ハリウッド), actor (俳優), invest (投資する), promotion (宣伝), follower (フォロワー)
- Who were the Hollywood actors?
(ハリウッドの俳優は誰ですか?) - What did they buy?
(彼らは何を買いましたか?) - When did the club start?
(そのクラブはいつ創設されましたか?) - What did they do for promotion?
(宣伝の為に彼らは何をしましたか?) - What is your opinion?