The Helpful Lego Wheelchair (とても役に立つレゴの車いす)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Shell of a turtle was broken. People in US found it in the park and wanted to help it. Surgery was done in The Maryland Zoo. A wheelchair was made for the turtle. This wheelchair was made of Lego so that the turtle can move freely and the shell can be healed.

shell (こうら), turtle (かめ), found (find見つける の過去形), surgery (手術), wheelchair (車いす), freely (自由に), be healed (治癒する)


  1. Who found the turtle?
  2. What did the people make for the turtle?
  3. What was the wheelchair made from?
  4. What is your opinion?