Information being bad (良くない情報)– Level 3

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A lot of celebrities commit suicide. This news is shown by the media to the people. On seeing this, people think that the best solution to solve their problems is killing themselves. This is seen mostly in young people. They kill themselves without thinking so seriously. Youngsters are worried about what their friends or family think about them. Doctors have said that many people do not want to die basically. They say that only when hearing the news of suicide, people think about death. If the media stops showing news on these topics, then a lot of people can think about saving their own lives.

celebrity (有名人), youngster (若者)


  1. Why do people think of committing suicide?
  2. What will happen if the media stops showing news of suicide?
  3. Does Japanese media also share a lot of news of suicide?
  4. Is it correct to end one’s own life?
  5. What do you do when you have a problem?
  6. Who commits a lot of suicide?
  7. Do the youngsters or the elderly think of committing suicide more?
  8. How would you help a person who is having problems and cannot solve them?
  9. What is your opinion?