Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
An ostrich was found on a highway in Malaysia. The ostrich named Chickaboo had caused the panic among the drivers and motorcyclists on the highway. Chickaboo was actually being transported by Darren Chow – the owner of the ostrich – back to its farm where it was born, but while in the car the ostrich escaped by jumping out from the car window. Chickaboo is now safe in its farm in Semeny, Malaysia. The man found it was difficult for him to care the ostrich because it grew bigger and bigger each day.
ostrich (ダチョウ), cause (引き起こす), farm (農園)
- Why couldn’t the man keep the ostrich?
- Where was the man taking the ostrich?
- Where did the ostrich escape?
- Is it easy to take care of an ostrich? Why?
- Would you like to keep an ostrich as a pet?
- Have you seen an ostrich? Where?
- What is your opinion?