The Pancake Man (パンケーキ男) – Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A 21 years old man in Florida eats pancakes in the middle of the street. A video is taken by a person and is uploaded in Facebook. Due to this, people say that the road gets blocked. The traffic was also troubled.

pancake(ホットケーキ上にフライパンで焼いたケーキ), middle(中央で), put on (にアップする), due to (の理由で), get block (通行止めにする), be troubled(悪影響を受ける)


  1. How old was the man?
  2. Why was the road getting blocked?
  3. What is pancake?
  4. Where was the video uploaded?
  5. What is your opinion?