Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Women in Argentina march and protest because they want to stop domestic violence. Many women died due to domestic violence. Partners or husbands killed them. There were 2,000 deaths related to domestic violence for last 7 years. The police don’t care about the women there.
Argentina (アルゼンチン。南米の共和国。首都 Buenos Aires), protest (主張する), domestic violence (家庭内暴力), due to (により), partner (交際相手), related to (に関連した), care (関与する)
- In which country did the woman protest?
(どこの国で女性たちは家庭内暴力を止める様に主張してますか?) - Why did they protest?
(なぜ女性達は訴えているのですか?) - How many women are killed due to domestic violence in the country?
(何人の女性達が家庭内暴力により殺されていますか?) - What is your opinion?