Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Robyn Rihanna born in 1988 is a Barbadian singer and actress. Her songs were influenced by Caribbean music and her best album was rated within the top ten of the US Billboard 200 Chart. She is also a successful business woman and owns a French company that makes luxury clothes. So, Rihanna is said as the richest female musician in the world. The total amount of her asset is estimated with 1.7 billion dollars. She also owns fashion and cosmetics companies. Rihanna also owned a lingerie company worth an estimate of 270 million dollars.
Barbadian (バルバドス人, カリブ海の島国), Caribbean (カリブの), luxury (高級な), lingerie (婦人用下着), worth (価値のある)
- What is the name of singer?
- Where is she from?
- Which kind of songs does she sing?
- How much asset does she have?
- Have you heard any of her songs?
- Do you know any other famous American singer?
- What is your opinion?