Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A vehicle was travelling on a large road in California, USA. It carried bags of money. Suddenly one of its doors opened and the bags fell on the road. Money was everywhere. Twenty dollars bills were mostly spread all over the lanes. People on the road take the money. The cars blocked the road and could not move for two hours. Videos across social media show plenty of people picked up handfuls of cash along the freeway. These captured faces and license plates during the event and California Highway Patrol tried to identify those who took the money away. Two people were arrested at the site and others returned what they had collected.
bill (紙幣), handful (ひとつかみの)
- Where was the car travelling?
- What happened to one of the doors?
- Where did the money fall?
- What dollar bills were all over the lane?
- What did people do?
- What did the police do?
- What is your opinion?