Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Nail art has been popular in the world. People in Mexico put real scorpions on their nails. Scorpions are dangerous and we can die if they bite us. A nail artist says that the scorpions are not dangerous after they die. The small baby scorpions are put on the nails after it was killed with some bug spray.
nail (爪), popular (人気がある), scorpion (さそり), dangerous (危険な), bite (噛む), bug spray (殺虫用スプレー)
- Why are scorpions dangerous?
(なぜさそりは危険なのですか?) - Where are the scorpions put on the nail?
(どこでさそりをネールアートにしてますか?) - Have you ever seen the real scorpions?
(本物のさそりを見たことがありますか?) - Do you like the scorpion on the nail?
(あなたはさそりのネールアートを好きですか?) - What is your opinion?