Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
There are a lot of services provided to dogs and cats in Russia. This is seen in a spa. The spa gives the animals pedicures, massages and fur cut. Groomers say that it is important to keep the animals in good look. As humans enjoy looking good, animals also feel the same. If we do not keep them in good look, they smell and look bad. To have healthy pets, it is best to take care of them well.
spa (保養施設), groomer (毛づくろいをするスタッフ)
- What does the spa provide the cats and the dogs?
- Where is the spa for the pets?
- How much does it cost?
- Why is it important to take care of our pets?
- How would you keep your pets in good look?
- Who says that it is best to keep the animals well shaped?
- Are animals happy when they are taken care of?
- Are there similar facilities in Japan?
- What is your opinion?