Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Walking and cycling is well known in the city of Pontevedra in the north-western of Spain. Not many cars are seen. 73 percent of the transport is made by bicycle or on foot. 70 percent of public space doesn’t have car parking space and only 30 percent has parking area. The emission of carbon dioxide has reduced tremendously. There has been 67 percent reduction of the carbon dioxide since the 1990s. Road accidents are also less.
well know (が有名), transport (移動), on foot (歩いて), emission (排出量), carbon dioxide (二酸化炭素), tremendously (非常に)
- What is the trend of emission of carbon dioxide?
- How much of the carbon dioxide level has reduced since the 1990’s?
- What percentage of public space does it have parking space?
- Do you like walking and cycling?
- What is the percentage of the transport made by bicycle and on foot?
- What is the situation of road accident in Pontevedra?
- Have you seen any road accident? Explain.
- What is your opinion?