Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Turkey built a wall on its borders with Iran that was 190 kilometers long. This wall stops people from Afghanistan. Turkey stopped almost 105,000 people. Turkey is afraid that more people will come into the country.
Turkey (トルコ), built (build建てる の過去形), border with (との国境), be afraid (恐れている)
- Who built the wall?
(誰が壁を建てましたか?) - Why was it built?
(なぜ壁は建てられましたか?) - How long is it?
(その長さはどの程度ですか?) - How many Afghans were stopped by the wall?
(何人のアフガニスタン人が壁のために止められましたか?) - What is your opinion?