Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A team of archaeologists led by Griffith University, Australia, has discovered a cave painting in Sulawesi Island in Indonesia that is at least 45,500 years old based on Uranium dating method. It is difficult for people to go to this place because the cave was in the deep valley. The drawing is almost five meters wide and shows a buffalo and wild pigs, in addition, group of part-human and part-animal figures – ‘therianthropes’ – hunting large mammals with spears or ropes, casting new light on the origin of modern human culture. Sulawesi is the largest island in Wallacea of oceanic islands situated between continental Asia and Australia . Sulawesi has a long history of human dwelling. “The Sulawesi painting we found in the cave is now the earliest human art in the world, as far as are aware,” said Professor from Griffith University.
Uranium dating method (ウランを用いた年代測定法), portray (描く), therianthropes (獣人), mammal (哺乳類), spear (やり), casting new light (新たな光を当てる)
- Who found the painting?
- Where did the scientists find the painting?
- Was it easy for the people to go the valley?
- How old was the painting?
- How did scientist find out how old the painting was?
- What was in the painting?
- Was the cave painting found in Japan too?
- Do you paint and what kind of paintings do you do?
- What is your opinion?