Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Permafrost is frozen ground in Russia. This area is melting. The dead body of a bear is found. It is believed that this bear was from the Ice Age. The bear is 22,000 to 39,500 years-old. Its organs were not damaged. The scientists were happy.
permafrost (永久凍土層), frozen (凍った), melt (とける), dead body (死体), bear (熊), Ice Age (氷河期), organ (臓器)
- What kind of soil was the site where bear was found?
(熊が発見された場所はどの様な土壌でしたか?) - How old was the bear supposed to be?
(その熊は何年前のものですか?) - How was the condition of the body of bear?
(熊の遺体はどの様な状況で発見されましたか?) - What is your opinion?