Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Tesco, Britain’s biggest supermarket, challenges carbon neutral by 2035. Many customers request Tesco more nature friendly. So Tesco reduce usage of plastic and their waste. The company promised to announce about their activity once a year.
carbon neutral (二酸化炭素を排出量実質ゼロ), nature friendly (自然に優しい), usage (使用), waste (廃棄), announce (公表する), activity (活動), once a year (年に一度)
- Which is the biggest supermarket in Britain?
(英国で最大のスーパーマーケットは何ですか?) - What does the company want to do by 2035?
(会社は2035年までに何をしたいのですか?) - What do many customers request Tesco?
(多くの顧客はテスコ社に何を要求してますか?) - What does Tesco do for carbon neutral?
(テスコ社はカーボンニュートラルのために何をしてますか?) - What is your opinion?