The Dead Fish (死んだ魚)- Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Martinis is the second biggest trawler in the world. It spilt fish in the sea. Its net break and more than 100,000 dead fish float in the Atlantic Ocean off the French coast. Such big ships catch too many fish.

Martinis (マルティニス=漁船の名前), trawler (トロール漁船), spilt (spillの過去形, こぼした), net (網), float (漂う), Atlantic Ocean (大西洋), off the coast (沿岸に)


  1. Which is the second biggest trawler?
  2. What happened when the net broke?
  3. How many dead fish floated in the water?
  4. What is your opinion?