Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Yamuna River is about 1,400 kilometers long and so dirty. White foam is in the river and is full of chemicals which are bad for people’s skin and breathing. But Hindus people still go and enter into the river because the river is holy place for them.
Yamuna River (ヤムナー川, インド北部を流れる大河), dirty (汚い), form (泡), chemical (化学物質), breathing (息をする), Hindus (ヒンズー教徒), holy (神聖な)
- Which river do the Hindus enter into?
(ヒンズー教徒はどの川に入りますか?) - Why do the Hindus enter the river?
(なぜヒンズー教徒はその川で入浴するのですか?) - What is seen in the river?
(川では何が見れますか?) - Are the chemicals good for the people? Why?
(その化学物質は人々にとって良いですか?) - What is your opinion?