Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
The Yamuna River is about 1,400 kilometers long and flows into the Ganges River. It provides more than half of New Delhi’s water supply. However, the Yamuna is one of the dirtiest rivers in India, with dark, thick water that is heavily polluted. A significant amount of garbage is dumped into the river, yet people still bathe in it because the Yamuna is considered one of India’s most sacred places. The river often has white foam on its surface, which contains high levels of ammonia and harmful chemicals that are bad for people’s skin and breathing. This foam is caused by both industrial and domestic pollution.
Yamuna River (ヤムナー川, インド北部を流れる大河), Ganges River(ガンジス川), dump (投棄する), Hindus (ヒンズー教徒), chemical (化学物質)
- Which river do the Hindus enter into?
- Why do the Hindus enter the river?
- What is seen in the river?
- Are the chemicals good for the people? Why?
- Where does Yamuna flow into?
- Why is the river dirty?
- What does the foam contain?
- What is your opinion?