Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A young fox was found inside a dishwasher. An animal doctor, Simon Hayes, 45, from London entered his kitchen and put the used plates, folks and spoons inside the dishwasher. After loading all dishes inside the machine, he went into another room. When he returned again to the kitchen, he found a baby fox sitting inside a dishwasher among the dirty dishes. He said “It was quite a warm evening so I kept the back door of the house open. I was surprised to see him there, but we regularly see fox nearby.” The fox looked scared. The vet used a sweeping brush and slowly the fox crept out of the dishwasher and ran into the garden. The fox reunited with its mother.
dishwasher (食器洗浄機), scared (怖がる), vet (獣医), sweeping brush (ほうき), crept (creep這う の過去形), reunite (再会する)
- What kind of doctor was the man?
- Where was the fox found?
- Why was the fox found in the kitchen?
- How did he make the fox leave the kitchen?
- Where did the fox run?
- To whom did the fox run to?
- Was the fox scared?
- What is your opinion?