Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A two-nosed dog named Toby was taken by a shelter in Fresno, California. They wanted to rescue him because he was at the risk of being killed. A famous supporter named Todd Ray is well known for having the largest number of two-headed living animals. He rescued the dog and now Toby is living safely with Todd.
two-nosed (2つの鼻を持つ), shelter (動物愛護シェルター), rescue (救助する), well know (著名な), two-headed (2つの頭を持つ)
- What was the dog’s name?
(犬の名前は何ですか?) - Why was the dog special?
(なぜその犬は特別なのですか?) - Who was famous for having the largest number of two-headed living animals?
(2つの頭を持つ動物を飼育している著名な人物の名前は何ですか?) - Is there a similar shelter in Japan?
(日本にも同じようなシェルターがありますか?) - What is your opinion?