Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
A few people try to help a dog named Toby. He is a two-nosed dog. The people try to take him to a shelter in Fresno, California. No one wants Toby. Toby needed a new home. This was not easy as he was at the risk of being killed. Toby gets lucky as a famous producer rescues him. He was well known for adopting unique pets. He had the largest number of two-headed living animals. This supporter has a five-legged and a two-legged dog too. Todd, the supporter, loves to help special animals. If no one had taken Toby, he would have been killed as he was in a bad condition.
shelter (動物愛護シェルター), well know (著名な), adopt (引き取る)
- What is the dog’s name?
- Why is the dog special?
- Who is famous for having the largest number of two-headed living animals?
- What is so special about the supporter?
- What would have happened if Toby was not rescued?
- Is there a similar shelter in Japan?
- How many pets do you have at home?
- What is your opinion?