Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Dogs have 300 million receptors in their noses, compared to six million of humans. The dogs used to protect the soldiers earlier. Now these dogs have been trained by Italian scientists to smell prostate cancer. They sniff the cancer in patients’ urine. There is one particular dog that sniffs the cancer faster than the doctors. In the study, the dog detected prostate cancer with 71 percent accuracy. Seeing this, a team in Italy started to develop an electronic tool to replicate the dog’s sense of smell. It will be useful for the patient who suffers prostate cancer if it will be successfully realized.
receptor (受容体), compare to (に対して), prostate (前立腺), cancer (がん), sniff (嗅ぐ), urine (尿), detect (診断する) , accuracy (精度), replicate (複製する), suffer (罹る)
- Who trains the dogs to smell cancer?
- What kind of cancer do the dogs smell?
- Which can detect cancer faster, the doctor or the dog?
- Who did the dogs protect before?
- How many receptors do the dogs have?
- How many receptors do the humans have?
- What does an Italian team develop?
- What is your opinion?