Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Pilots in Utah can drop 35,000 fish into 40 to 60 lakes at one time within a few hours. These fish are small. This method is effective because many of these lakes do not have fish. There are many lakes and rivers in the state located in its mountains and are not accessible by roads, so pilots fly about 45 meters above these lakes to drop the fish into their new homes. About 95% of the fish survive the drop. The fish spend less time waiting to be dropped, so they feel less stressed, and more of them survive the transfer. Fish dropping occurs a few times every year, usually starting in July. It’s good news for fishing enthusiasts and other native species when more native fish enter the water.
Utah (ユタ州, 米国西部の州), take place (実施される), enthusiast (熱狂者), species (生物種)
- Where do the planes fly?
- What do the planes do?
- Were there any fish in this lake before?
- How many fish does a plane drop at one time?
- Why do people use planes instead of cars?
- What percentage of the fish survive the drop?
- Is the same method used in Japan?
- What is your opinion?