Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Video of elephants was taken by a field staff of Nagarhole National Park in India. They thought the elephants were smoking because they ate charcoal and blew out ash. People find this strange. Elephants were fun for eating charcoal and letting out ash. This is unusual but true. Doctors say it is healthy for the animals to eat charcoal. Charcoal gives medicinal benefit for the animal. This video of the elephants became famous.
charcoal (木炭), blow out (吐き出す, blew=blow吐く の過去形), ash (灰), medicinal (薬物的な)
- Who took the video of the elephants?
- What did the elephants eat?
- Why were animals eating charcoal?
- Why did the video become famous?
- Have you seen elephants eat charcoal?
- What do we usually use the charcoal for?
- What is your opinion?