The famous Sea Town (有名な海の中の街)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Baia, a town in Rome, is more than 2000 years old. Only the rich people and the politicians lived in the ancient town. Due to eruption of a volcano near the town in the Mediterranean Sea, the whole town was under the sea. It was later found by divers in 1969.

Baja (ローマの古い街。約2000年前に近くの火山の噴火で海面下に水没した), politician (政治家), ancient (古代の), due to (の理由で), eruption (噴火), volcano (火山), Mediterranean (地中海の), whole (全ての), later (後に), found (find見つける の過去分詞), diver (ダイバー)


  1. Why was the town under the sea?
  2. Who found the town under the sea?
  3. When the town was found?
  4. Who lived in this town?
  5. What is your opinion?