Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Rich people and the politicians lived in a small town named Baia in Rome. It was a famous destination. Due to a volcanic eruption in Mediterranean Sea, the town was flooded and got submerged under the sea. The volcanic eruption was seen in the Italian Gulf of Pozzuoli. Divers and snorkelers found pieces of two statues in 1969. At that time, they had no idea that a whole town was under water. People could swim through the old streets and see how the town looked 2000 years ago.
Baja (ローマの古い街。約2000年前に近くの火山の噴火で海面下に水没した), destination (観光スポット), volcanic eruption (火山噴火), flood (洪水が起きる), get submerged (水没する), Gulf of Pozzuoli (ポッツオーリ湾)
- How long ago was the city proper?
- Who found the town under the sea?
- When the town was found?
- Who lived in this town?
- Were the people allowed to visit the town?
- How did the town go under water?
- What is your opinion?