A Farm of Cockroaches (ゴキブリ工場) – Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Most people do not like cockroaches but one Chinese man loves them. He has a cockroach farm. He makes a lot of money by selling them. One kilogram of cockroaches is sold for 16 dollars. Cockroach can be used for making medicine. This man has one billion insects in his farm.

cockroach (ゴキブリ), farm (工場), sold (sell売る の過去分詞), dollar (ドル), medicine (薬), billion (10億), insect (虫)


  1. What does the man love?
  2. How much money does he make by selling one-kilogram cockroaches?
  3. How many cockroaches does he grow in his farm?
  4. What can be made from cockroaches?
  5. What is your opinion?