Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
In 2020, pilots of two Syrian fighter planes escaped with parachutes and landed safely. They left the planes before those crashed. Two planes were shot down by Turkish military in the Idlib region, north-western Syria. Turkey thought that the planes were a threat. The Turkish Prime Minister spoke about the incident. He said that if anyone violates his airspace, the retaliation will be hard. The Prime Minister also told Turkish force had taken down the planes. Syrian government said that their planes was pursuing rebel fighters against Syrian government in its own territory.
Syrian (シリアの。シリアはトルコの隣国), parachute (パラシュート), Idlib (イドリブ。シリアの県でトルコに隣接。トルコがシリアの反政府軍と共に実質支配をしている。), threat (脅威), violate (侵入する), airspace (空域), retaliation (報復), rebel fighter (反政府軍)
- Which fighter planes were shot down?
- Who shot down the planes?
- Why were the planes shot down?
- Who spoke about the incident?
- What did the Prime Minister say?
- Did Syrian fighter plane cross the Turkish borders?
- What is your opinion?