The flying Goats (空飛ぶヤギ)– Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

Goats in the state of Washington, USA flew by helicopter. The mountain goats are in a national park and eat the plants in the farm. A goat also killed a person in 2010. People wanted to solve the problem so they flew 375 goats in a helicopter to another national park.

goat (やぎ), state of Washington (ワシントン州), flew (fly飛行する の過去形), mountain goat (山やぎ), national park (国立公園), plant (農作物), farm (農場), solve (解決する)


  1. What kind of goats were these?
  2. Which troubles did these cause?
  3. What happened in 2010?
  4. How many goats were taken to the other place?
  5. Where were the goats taken to?
  6. What is your opinion?