The Friendly Dog (ひとなつっこい犬)- Level 1

Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。

A hospital in Orlando, US has 475 dogs. One specific dog named, Parks is a two-year old dog, makes children special and happy. The dogs at the hospital open doors and pick things. It takes two months to train these dogs to do different tasks.

Orlando (オーランド, アメリカフロリダ州中央部に位置する都市), specific (特別な), named (という名の), make ~..(~を..にさせる), pick things (ものをひろう), take two month (2ヵ月かかる), train (訓練する), task (仕事)


  1. Where is the hospital?
  2. What was the dog’s name that made children feel happy?
  3. How many months does it take to train the dog?
  4. What is your opinion?