Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Though a puppet was not a perfect imitation of a Java Green Magpie, the magpie was fed by it. It learnt a lot from the puppet. The magpie was an endangered baby green bird. The puppet taught the bird to have its own babies when it became an adult. The bird followed everything the puppet did. This magpie lived in a zoo in Prague. The zookeepers gave it a puppet. Number of the Javan Green Magpie, the most beautiful Magpie in the world is declining dramatically as a result of deforestation and illegal capture for the wild animal trade. Currently it is one of the most endangered birds in the world. According to the recent estimate, there are less than 50 in the wild globally with roughly the same number being in zoos.
puppet (指人形), Java Green Magpie (ジャワ緑色カササギ), feed (飼育する), endangered (絶滅危惧の), Prague (プラハ, チェコ共和国の首都), deforestation (森林伐採)
- Was the bird a baby or an adult bird?
- Did the bird enjoy being looked after by the puppet?
- In which zoo was the bird seen?
- Was the puppet a perfect imitation of the magpie?
- Did the magpie learn things from the puppet?
- What did the puppet teach the magpie?
- How many Java Green Magpies do they live in the wild and in the zoo?
- What is your opinion?