Let’s read aloud first. 最初に声を出して読んでみましょう。
Amelie was 18 years old and she is from Hampshire, UK. She travelled to Zambia with her family and friends. When she swam in Zambezi River, a crocodile attacked her and she was pulled under water. She is saved by her father and friends.
Hampshire (イギリスの南部に位置, ハンプシャー州), Zambia (アフリカ南部に位置, ザンビア共和国), swam (swim泳ぐ の過去形), crocodile (ワニ), save (助ける)
- What was the girl’s name?
(少女の名前は何ですか?) - Where did she travel?
(彼女はどこへ旅行したのですか?) - With whom did she travel?
(彼女は誰と一緒に旅行をしましたか?) - Which experience did she get?
(彼女はどの様な体験をしましたか?) - What is your opinion?